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Lawn Problems

Q.Weed Killer on Lawn

crite 40 added on May 5, 2011 | Answered

Last year my hubby put weed killer on the lawn, obviously for the weeds, and patches of grass were killed. This year we have tried three different kinds of grass seed and none have taken. Will weed killer still be present in the soil? The weed killer used was Round-up. Could anybody recommend a type of lawn seed for the bare patches?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 8, 2011

Roundup breaks down in a few weeks, so it should no be the problem. There are a few things that can cause this. One would be poor fertility in the soil. If you did not amend the soil, I would recommend that.you do that.

This has been a very rainy spring for much of the US. If this has been the case where you live, the seeds may have rotted in the ground. If you suspect this, wait until the soil dries some before planting.

Birds are also a factor. If you did not cover the seeds, they may have been eaten.

Too little water can also cause seeds to fail to germinate. You may need to increase watering.

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