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Grape Vines


Zone we live in se wi | Anonymous added on April 22, 2016 | Answered

We have a fence of grapes (used for jellies) – so the garden is a fence of grapes walkway garden/border garden. The problem we have is the walkways, which go all around the garden, always have weeds and we would like to keep it weed free and weed the garden too. But we don’t want to hurt the grapes or a clematis on the fence line. I hope that made sense. lol

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 24, 2016

Weed, the enemy to us gardeners.

Weeding is certainly an ongoing process and job in the garden.
There are natural and chemical weed control options and specific weeds may have specific control needs.

Here are some articles that will help you with some weed control options.


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