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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Weed killer corn meal and corn gluten

Zone 30277 | Anonymous added on March 14, 2017 | Answered

We are trying to find a healthy weed pre-emergent. Can we just use corn meal or does it have to be corn meal gluten? Is there a difference? Our home is gluten free due to allergies and I wouldn’t want to spray our entire yard with gluten if we don’t have to!

Thank you for your time,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 15, 2017

You will need to use the Corn Gluten to have success at using it as a pre-emergent.
It is the gluten meal's proteins that inhibit seed formation.
It works by stopping root formation and over time will break down to a nitrogen source.
Corn Meal is flour that is ground down from corn. It can be used as a fungicide in the garden and also will break down to an organic nutrient source.

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