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Creeping Charlie

Q.Weed identification and control

Zone Raleigh, NC | Irisloverz added on March 22, 2018 | Answered

Can you identify the weed pictured in the example? It is taking over my beds and growing into the lawn. It is like a matted ground cover with a web-like root system. I would like some information on control of this plant. I do not use Roundup in my gardens.

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Answered on March 22, 2018

Addendum: it is possible to control ground ivy by pulling. This takes some serious patience and time. As you have discovered, the vine goes up and over and beneath other parts of the vine making is very difficult to hand remove it from an established location. If possible, dig up the entire clump and sift out the roots. Creeping charlie tends to infest areas that are shady and moist. Anything you can do to change those conditions will help keep it out. In my experience, if your neighbors have this weed, so will you. Keeping it to a "dull roar" may be your best strategy if you don't want to use herbicide.

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Answered on March 22, 2018

This is creeping charlie, aka ground ivy. Hand removal is difficult as you've no doubt discovered. Bits of root left in the soil will send up a new shoot. In addition, there are often seeds in the soil waiting for ideal conditions to sprout. Control most often involves herbicide and more than one application is usually necessary. Use one that is safe for lawns such as Ortho Weed B Gon

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