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Sweet Corn

Q.Weed control in sweet corn

Zone 62615 | xlineman added on May 15, 2018 | Answered

I have +/- 4000 Sq ft sweet corn patch that I roto till between rows and hoe in the rows. Any problems with broadcasting treflan post corn emergence and tilling/ hoeing weeds that came up with the corn? Intent is to eliminate more than 2 tiil/ hoe cycles.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 15, 2018

It can help, but I would highly advise planting legume crops between season. This will usually outcompete weeds, and provide aeration for the soil so that you have to till less. They will always remain shorter than the corn, so there is little chance of this outcompeting corn.

This is very good permaculture practice that will eliminate the need for pre-emergents, and nitrogen supplementation.

I do not see much issue with broadcasting a pre-emergent, but there are a few ways to avoid this all together.

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