Q.Weed Control
About 4 years ago, I worked up a patch in my yard, laid down that black sheeting to prevent weed growth, then put some white decorative rocks on it. I use this spot for planters and statues. I also spray it really well with Round-up every spring. It looks really nice until the weeds poke through. I then need to spray it again. Every spring I need to lay down more decorative rocks. They seem to just disappear. What would be the best remedy to stop the weeds from growing through?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Does the decorative rock truly disappear, sink away or something? That is odd with having laid down the black sheeting. It makes me wonder if someone else likes your decorative rock and helps themselves to some of it. I believe I would take all the rock out that is left, take up the black sheeting and see what is going on with the soil beneath. I have seen cases where an old drainage line ran under an area and it had caved in, creating a sink hole of sorts, so it is worth checking this out. Once you have checked out the soil and if all looks normal, spray down any weeds with some Round-up twice. Once absorbed, lay down more of the black sheeting. This time lay it down going in one direction, then put down another layer going in the opposite direction, making sure there are no open gaps or edges that are left open or uncovered. Put down a good thick layer of the decorative rock. This should do the trick for a few years. Soon there will be more sprouting and growing on top of the black sheeting. Once it becomes a pain to keep things sprayed, it will likely be time to repeat the above process all over again.