Q.We live half the year in the Hudson Valley of N.Y and the other half of the year in Fl. This year we had to stay in Fl. because of
an operation I had. We’ve had landscaping people mulching our N.Y. garden in the spring and cutting back dead plants in the fal l. This spring our big patch of bee balm did not come up. I started it about17 years ago from a square ft. when I first planted it to a 10ft.x10ft. patch This year in the late spring in N.Y. we had a lot of rain. I don’t know if that had anything to do with the fact that my large patch of bee balm that had done beautifully for 17 years all of a sudden did not come up this spring. Fo you have any thoughts on this?
Heavy rains can cause the roots to rot out.
This is a common reason for die back or sudden die off of plants.
It can happen and sometimes there isn't a real reason.
A loss in the garden makes for new opportunities! Sometimes that little phrase helps me!