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Peach Trees

Q.We Have Two Patio Peach Trees in Ocala, Florida

Zone Zone 9 | hferro1958 added on September 22, 2012 | Answered

They have been losing their leaves throughout the summer. It has been raining a lot. What can we do to enhance their survival odds and produce fruit next year?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 6, 2012

Peaches are one of those trees that need a dormancy period. They need some cold in order to survive and produce. The dropping leaves can be caused by many things, but if they have not had a dormancy period in the past year, it is very likely that this is the reason they are fading. They are trying very hard to go into dormancy.

In your area, the best I can recommend is that they be placed outside in the elements in the coldest part of your property - if possible, someplace that the wind may make things a little chillier than usual. Even the most warm weather tolerant peach needs to be exposed to about 100-150 hours per year of temperatures below 50F and they need a dormant period (where they lose their leaves) on top of that.

In short, find a nice cool place to let your peach trees sleep for a few months and they should recover and produce nicely for you.

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