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Q.We have two large Sago Palms

Zone Charlotte NC | rbsdiego added on June 12, 2015 | Answered

We live in Charlotte, NC and leave our palms outside, although we winterize them with mulch, burlap and Xmas lights around the tree portion. They are about 15 years old and quite large. This year one of them had new growth again but the other did not and doesn’t appear to be getting any new growth but the current palms are fine. We had a pretty nasty winter, so could this have hurt the new growth area for this season? Is there anything we can do to help growth this year?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 13, 2015

The cold winter that nearly the entire United States experienced has defiantly had an effect on plants and we have had many reports of plant damage and loss here.
Pruning away the dead and damaged material from the palms.
A once a month fertilizer schedule can help.
Also watch your stressed plants for insects or disease and treat accordingly.


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