Q.We Have Six Arborvitae That Are Growing Pretty Well However, Two Of Them Seem To Be Turning Brown. They Also Have Brown Growths
that look a little like pine cones. Do you have any idea what these things are? Do you have any idea what the problem could be for the two plants that are turning brown? Btw, the plants re in full sun and in they receive plenty of water. They also get lots of manure. I just took a picture of the “pine cone.”
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The growths are bagworms. You want to get rid of those. It is tricky to treat for those because you have to catch them in May before they hide in the bags. If there are only a few bags and you can reach them, pull them off and drop them in soapy water.
Browning in winter or summer is usually due to the foliage drying out (desiccation). Root damage from too much water can prevent water uptake. Check the drainage around the trees. If they are browning in spots it could be insects or disease. There is a leafminer that can cause browning of the foliage.