Q.We have planted a fig tree in a container – the leaves are in full sun, but the base in shade. Is this a problem?
We have recently planted the tree, it was already fairly established when purchased – about 1.5m in height. We have planted in a large pot on our patio next to a fence. The top of the tree – i.e all the leaves etc are in full sun, but the base of the tree is in shade. Will this be an issue? We’ve noticed since planting the tree 2 weeks ago that the lower leaves have started to turn yellow

Shaded areas of the foliar canopy of course cannot photosynthesize nutrients from sunlight, so foliage in those areas will yellow and decline and drop. But as long as a large percentage of the foliage can get sunlight, and other aspects of your soil fertility and water management are in order, then it won't be cause for overall decline and mortality.