Q.highbush blueberries
We have grown highbush blueberries for years, but we have always ended up with so many seeds in the berries. We live in Cincinnati, Ohio and the different types of bushes and berries appear very healthy. We never ate blueberries before growing and just found out most blueberries don’t really have many seeds in the berry. Could it be from lack of water?
Thanks, Tina Gallagher
Highbush Blueberries tend to be quite fussy about soil.
The links below will help you.
Also make sure the soil is kept evenly moist and do not let the plants dry out during growing season.
Mulching with a 2 to 3 inches of hardwood mulch will help with moisture retention.
Also from my research it does show that there are some cultivators that have a Blueberry that is seedy by description, though considered very flavorful.