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Hyacinth Plant

Q.young willow tree all tangled up

Patsyanne.d added on March 14, 2015 | Answered

We have discovered a young willow tree all tangled up through a piece of trellis supporting a Clematis. I have just discovered we have a Willow tree in our very moderate sized garden. It is all tangled up with a Clematis. We have recently moved here and have just begun to look at the garden critically. Is there any chance of the willow surviving? We are living in Lincoln just on the City boundary.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 14, 2015

The good news is your Willow will most likely survive and grow well. They are quite easy to grow.

Since you do not know what variety of tree you have growing in your yard, determining if the placement in your yard is a bit

tricky. Some varieties can be quite invasive. You will have to determine if it's something you want in it's current location!

Here is an article that may help you with your decision.


You could most likely move the willow to a new location, though you may disturb your Clematis while doing so, it should

also recover.

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