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Calla Lily Plants

Q.We have a lot of deer on our property…. Will deer eat calla lilies?

Zone Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada | Anonymous added on May 13, 2018 | Answered

The back of our property is fenced with a deer fence, but the front of our house is not fenced at all. Where do you suggest I plant them? I really would like to do the front! Thank you for your help

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 14, 2018

I found calla lily on the deer resistant list for several states but it was omitted on others. Check with your local "county extension service" for lists in your area. Tender, new, water-filled leaves (as opposed to lavender leaves) are what they favor along with flowers in the bud like tulips and roses. They do not like to come close to the house unless they are spurred on by hunger and they do not like herbs or fragrant leaves/flowers. What smells good to us is stinky to them. Consider interplanting sage, lavender, thyme or other aromatic species around and among the calla.

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