Q.Wax Myrtle Tree Damage
Hot water from an overflow pipe sent a Wax Myrtle tree into shock. I don’t know if the roots are damaged. All the leaves fell off and the trunk and branches are black. Will it recover? Is there anyway I can help it recover?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is very unfortunate. You can test a branch or two for life, though. Scratch the bark until you reach an area that shows pliable, green, living tissue. Cut any dead material that do not show signs of pliability away. This material will not recover. Any branches that show any sign of life have some chance of recovery. This article will help you to conduct a scratch test:
In the even that you find living tissue, it will be best to care for it the best that you can. Providing the perfect care and conditions will assist it with the fastest recovery.
This article will help you to care for the plant: