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Hyacinth Plant

Q.watering my patio plants

Zone Florida (my first summer here) | Tinaross2734 added on May 16, 2015 | Answered

When watering my patio plants, water will quickly accumulate in the tray below while the top soil seems to scream for water. What do you recommend? I am growing flowering plants that require a lot of sun.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 17, 2015

Your potting mix may be to light and allowing all the water to drain out to quickly.
Make sure you purchase material labeled 'potting soil'.
You can add some compost to potting soil to lighten it. This will add nutrients and hold water a bit longer.
Here are a few links for you.


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Karen Koch
Answered on May 17, 2015

Remove trays outside if possible. Fill pot to rim with water, let drain, repeat.

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