Q.Watering large container plants in winter
I have a Chantilly clematis and a hydrangea macrophylla color fantasy. Both are in large containers on my porch deck and cannot be moved. The problem is the deck has a roof over it so I water them throughout the summer but when winter comes, should I keep watering them? I am not sure if they need water during the winter months or if they need some but not as much as summer months. I would hate to kill them because I don’t know what to do, they are doing so well now. Thank you
You don't need to water the clematis through the winter if you prepare it properly. It will "sleep" until the temperature warms again, and the freeze-thaw-freeze cycles of winter will actually kill the plant if there's water in the root system. There are some steps you'll need to take to prepare it for its winter sleep, and this article will walk you through those: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/clematis/clematis-winter-preparation.htm
Same with your Hydrangea. This article will give you some tips to prepare the Hydrangea plant for winter: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/hydrangea/hydrangea-winter-care-how-to-protect-hydrangeas-from-winter-cold-and-wind.htm