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Fig Tree

Q.Watering Fig Trees

Anonymous added on July 27, 2011 | Answered

I have a large fig tree in my yard. It is about 12 feet high and as much in diameter. Can it be over watered? A friend keeps water running on it 7-24, which I think is too much water. I am in Tucson, AZ so we get plenty of sun.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 27, 2011

My father had several fig trees of different kinds and he would not water them that often. We and the wild birds would always have figs to eat during summer. Our house was in a south city of Texas named Eagle Pass. I believe the zone number is 9 (Nine). As I understand, your state is dryer than Texas. Your trees may require more water than ours because of the droughts in those areas, but I would not keep the soil muddy due to over watering. As I have come to witness, fig trees drop a lot of leaves when they are over watered.

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