Q.How Do I Water Knockout Roses?
Generally, how wet should soil be for Knockout roses? Using a watering can, approximately how much would you use? Water only at soil level or is a sprinkler system ok?
Hello and thanks for posting your questions. Knockout roses are really no different that other roses, I will provide you a link to an article on watering rosebushes. I like to hand water all of my rosebushes with a watering wand so that I know for sure that they have gotten a good drink. I water either before things heat up for the day or in the early evening when the temps have started to cool. I like to rinse down the foliage and then water the roses at ground level. After rinsing the foliage down a bit, I start watering at ground level in a slow circular motion around the rosebush counting to 30 or 40 as I do so. The counting to 30 or 40 depends on how dry it has been. The dryer it has been the longer the count. Here is a link to an article I wrote on watering roses for you: >> https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/watering-roses.htm