Q.want to know how to plant an earpod tree seed.
I have an ear pod tree seed that is old and dry. How do I plant it and get a tree growing from it. Do I immerse it in water first and then place into soil? How long before it sprouts?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The seed coat is extremely thick and hard and seeds will not germinate unless they are treated to allow water to enter. This can be done by carefully cutting off a small part of the seed coat at the end away from the micropyle (scar), being careful not to damage the embryo, then soaking for a few hours in warm water.
Seed should be sown at a depth of 1/2 - 1 inch with the micropyle (scar) pointing downwards otherwise the root may grow upwards and out of the soil. Germination is fast, it starts after about four days and is normally complete after 10 days. Germination is about 85%. It is ready for planting outside after six months.