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Dracaena Plants

Q.What is wrong with my Dracaena Green Jewel?

Zone 54130 | Anonymous added on November 26, 2019 | Answered

I had a Dracaena Green Jewel that was getting to be about 2′ tall and was about 11 years old. I decided to cut it down.

The rooted top picture is of the top that I rooted and then transplanted into a pot. Not sure what is happening, as you can see the base of the leaves are turning brown. What am I doing wrong?

Rooted stem picture is of a section of the stem that I rooted and transplanted. It has been 5-6 weeks since I transplanted, but no shoots are growing yet. Is this common, or is there something else I should have done?

Original picture is of the original plant, seems to be doing fine. What are the little growths at the base of the plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 27, 2019

Do you know what type of soil that you used for this? The soil should not contain many nutrients at this point. These are not heavy feeders anyway. Certain soil, such as MiracleGro and others with fertilizer can cause burning and rotting of new shoots. If these are already rooted, then these can recover over time. Just be careful not to over water. Next time use a product marked as a seedling mix or soilless mix.

This collection of articles will help you to care for these: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/dracaena

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