Q.Vinca Minor Planting (Periwinkle)?
I transferred and replanted a lot of periwinkle. I have weeded the areas repeatedly, and wonder why it hasn’t spread that much? Maybe I need to give it more time. It has been a week or so since I weeded the area, but the area has had a lot, a lot of rain. Just wonder if there is something out there, like a Scotts fertilizer or some type of “miracle” product that would make the periwinkle spread more. Any help with this question, would be greatly appreciated.
Well, I stopped using the rooting powder, even though the Hormex did help....but it was getting too expensive. Was buying a bottle every week almost for a few weeks. Now I am using some liquid that is brown in color and only have to use 1/8 tsp. per 2 gallons of water. If one wants it more intense, it can be 1/4 tsp. per 2 gallons of water. The name of it is: Rapid Start (rooting enhancer 1-0.5-1) put out by General Hydroponics.
I am going to look into both suggestions. Thank you. The 10-10-10, I haven't heard of before, but will check it out at the local nursery.
I am using Miracle Gro potting soil, so I think the sand and the peat soil would be almost the same. Has anyone heard of Rapid Start? I am still planting, and am now running out of potting soil. Don't know if I will be getting another bag of that. It sure makes a difference if one uses the powder for root "cuttings" (which one time I bought by mistake), and if one uses the Hormex rooting powder on any kind of root. I noticed the one area, sure isn't coming up and spreading as fast as any of the other areas. Then someone told me it could be because one of the big trees is soaking up all the grounds moisture where I transferred this periwinkle using the "cuttings" powder; so I really don't know there, but I kind of think it all depends on the
kind of "root enhancer" used.
Can I suggest to partly cover the plant with a mix of peat soil and sand and the new growth will root in and thus help the spread
Give the vinca a chance to become established before expecting a huge growth spurt. It will need weeks, not days to begin normal growth patterns. Using a well balanced (like 10-10-10)) according to package directions would help.