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Viburnum Shrubs

Q.viburnum foliage diease

Zone Savannah GA | Anonymous added on August 20, 2018 | Answered

Some of the leaves on my 15 foot 10 year old viburnum otorotisurum are sparse ,turning yellow with red.brown spots.They also have red/brown spots on the back of the leaves.It is spreading to nearby viburnums. Is this a fungus? Many leaves have dropped off and are no longer dark green.

With what and when should I spray.It has been hot and humid where I live in savannah Georgia.

Should I remove as many leaves as I can reach?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 21, 2018

This article covers all the major viburnum diseases:

From your description, it sounds like you have a fungus, either Anthracnose or Cercospora. Here are the articles covering those syndromes:

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