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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Viburnum Bush Problem

Zone 7a | Carolyn added on February 13, 2013 | Answered

I have a Viburnum “Blue Muffin, now 10 years old. Plant is healthy, bushy, vigorous and entirely lovely except. . . . . !!!!

Something eats the buds as soon as they are formed. It eats only the buds (not any leaves), and no other plants nearby (roses, camellias, daylilies, daffodils, crape myrtle, forsythia, virginia sweetspire) are affected at all.

We are in a gated community in the downtown area. We have rabbits, foxes, and an occasional coyote, but no deer.

Any ideas

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 19, 2013

Put soap flakes around the plant and buds to keep the pests away. You can also try a pesticide. If you are sure there is not a problem with pests, a more radical but effective solution is putting animal blood around the plant, which will scare off many animals trying to eat it. If you are not into the whole blood idea, you can also try putting poison on the buds and over a couple generations, the predators will become ill when eating your plant and they will move on to something else (hopefully not your roses or forsythias haha).


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