Q.Vertical & raised gardens
Hello! I am inquiring how to help my mother start a raised garden and or vertical garden. My mom is an advanced Gardner, she makes her own compost & has for years produced but THE MOST DELICIOUS & diverse garden I have ever tasted. From 3 +types of lettuce, onions, sweet and white potatoes, chives, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, corn, watermelon, orange and yellow colored grape tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, pumpkins and sunflowers (grow 12 ft tall, no kidding) Spiced side: ghost peppers, jalapeƱo peppers, Thai peppers, bell peppers, chili peppers. She also has herb garden: lavender, thyme, Rosemary, and 3 types of parsley, 2 types of basil Italian and Thai , pineapple thyme, cilantro, oregano and a few that I m forgetting. This has been her passion for years. And in addition to her vegetable gardens she has the most beautiful flower gardens surrounding the house. However, in the past few years she has not been able to enjoy gardening do to a severe back injury. Could you please help me? I want to help her build a vertical garden and or a raised garden to allow her to continue her passion during her golden years.

Vertical gardens are basically only limited by the materials you have to build them and the space you have to put them in. Here are some ideas:
Rasied beds built on wooden frames or container gardens on top of metal tables are another possibility: