Q.Venus Fly Trap
My Venus fly trap plant is approx 5 years old. Over the past 2 years it’s gotten tremendously smaller(you can’t really see its size from the photo). The traps are quite tiny and I was wondering if it will have larger traps later in the year and grow to a normal size.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Hey there!
These plants will require a dormancy period of about 2 or 3 months. As close to 8 weeks as you can. This means reducing water without letting it dry, reducing light, and reducing temperatures slightly.
Another issue is overstimulating the traps. Doing so without reward expends precious energy, as they is how they gather nutrients. The roots are for anchoring, predominantly.
This is usually grown as a novelty and not maintained, since most aren't aware of the need to go dormant. Doing this, along with the information in the article will help it start to grow again.