Q.vegetable growing
I live in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. My apartment is on the seashore and I have a terrace where I started my garden. The weather is hot and humid and somewhat windy. I tried to grow vegetables but tomatoes were small and green peppers were small and asymmetric with dark areas on its skin. Do you have a reference article on how to grow vegetables in such a climate? Thank you in advance. By the way I am a pediatric cardiologist and I like gardening but so far I am not doing well at it.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
We have this article that you may find helpful:
Often, new container gardeners make the same mistake, which is not watering their plants enough. In conditions like yours, they should be watered twice a day. You may also want to set up windbreaks to help with the wind. A lattice serves well as a windbreak.