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Q.Veggie Flop

Zone tenn | peachykeen added on July 31, 2013 | Answered

Soil here not good, so we amend it with national brand bagged garden vegetable soils. So why do radishes and carrots grow huge foliage and no fruit? The bag says it’s got fertilizer and perlite to hold moisture so good veggies will grow. It’s been a disappointing gardening season for my grandson and me. Any help on next year’s garden. We want to eat what we plant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 31, 2013

If you are getting lots of foliage and no or not much produce, there is probably too much nitrogen in the soil. Take a soil sample for testing. Your local agricultural extension office can tell you where and how. They can explain the results and offer advice and recommendations.
I would start composting. It may take 2-3 years to have enough compost to make a noticeable difference, but it's worth the wait and superior to store bought stuff. Perlite aids in aeration of the soil, not holding moisture. Your compost will help hold moisture. So will mulching with sections of newspaper. The newspaper keeps moisture in, weeds down, and will degrade into compost during the season. The store bought stuff might have a fertilizer that will either leach out in a few watering's or a time release. Either way, vegetables are heavy feeders. Have your soil tested, and follow recommendations of the results...and start composting!

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