Q.Vegetables/Wood Boxes
Staying away from pressure-treated lumber, how do I protect the insides of my pine deck boxes that will be used for square-foot vegetable gardening? Built about eight years ago, it’s necessary to build new ones due to rotting from the inside. I’d like the new boxes to last longer.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The pressure treated wood sold in today's stores are required to be non-toxic, so are therefore considered safe for gardening. But some people still feel unsure about them. If this is the case for you, you can also look at building out of cedar. While it is more expensive, it will last longer. Another option is to line the beds with plastic. I have used the heaviest plastic drop cloths they have in the hardware store for this, and others have suggested rubberized liners for roofs and manure troughs that are available through feed stores.