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Tomato Plants

Q.Vegetable Fertilizing during heavy rainfalls

Zone Orangeville Ontario zone 5 I think | Anonymous added on July 30, 2018 | Answered

Hello I have a question about fertilizing my vegetable garden during heavy rains. This year we have consistently had heavy rainfalls so I have not had to water my garden. Usually I use a water soluable fertilizer but I feel like I would be over watering everything. Any suggestions on how I should go about fertilizing? I am growing tomatoes, hot peppers, spaghetti squash, French beans, zucchini and cucumbers. I use wood chips to mulch around all the plants.

Thanks for your time and knowledge

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 31, 2018

I would recommend switching to a dry, slow release, complete organic fertilizer like the excellent products from Down To Earth https://www.downtoearthfertilizer.com/products/blended_fertilizer/vegetable-garden/

or the best in my opinion: http://soilminerals.com/Agricolas4-8-4_MainPage.htm

If applied during the growing season, top dress and cover with mulch. And work it into the soil before next planting.

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