Q.Variegated Pink Lemon Loosing Leaves
I have a small variegated pink lemon tree that\’s loosing it\’s leaves. It was in the ground and I transplanted it into a container. Used Miracle Grow for citrus. It hasn\’t had many leaves since I\’ve owned it. I don\’t see any bugs on it.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is to be expected with amount of stress that the tree has endured. However, in order for the issue to resolve, it will need to stay in one spot so that the roots have time to rebuild. Unfortunately, until roots are repaired enough to continue growth, the stalled nature of the tree will be expected.
Be sure to allow time for the soil to dry between waterings, and test before feeding. Most potting soils contain enough nutrients to sustain plants and trees for quite some time. Overfeeding and overwatering can lead to these problems.
In the meantime, these articles will help: