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Plant Identification

Q.Variegated leaved shrub

Zone Dronfield, N E Derbyshire | C KELLY added on June 29, 2017 | Answered

Hello. My son recently moved house and has found a large shrub/bush in the sheltered garden, about 8ft tall now, with pale green and cream leaves, similar to a Wigela. A few weeks ago it also had small tight clusters of white tiny buds. Since we have been away it must have flowered but there are now dark berries in clusters. What could it be please?

Yours in anticipation
C Kelly

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 2, 2017

There are actually many shrubs that match this description.
You can send us some images to help id, and also give us growing zone or location of the shrubs.

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