Q.Variegated Ginger dying…
Hello! I live in London and I bought a Variegated Ginger two weeks ago (with leaves green/white on top and pink/red on the bottom). It looked great when I bought the plant and the day after all the leaves were kind of hanging down when the day before they were all rising up to the ceiling. We watered the plant and it appeared that some leaves were coming back up after a few days. Two days ago we turned on the heater (around 20C now) and it looks like the leaves are hanging down once again. Some leaves also have stains appearing or kind of little waves around the leaf (shown on pictures). It is placed in the shade (no sun coming in the flat). The soil is moist and we did not replant it after purchase. Please help!!!
The first picture is the plant on the first day and the others are showing the plant now.
This plant is a Stromanthe.
This article will help you with care.