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Q.well water versus city water for landscaping

Zone 32137 | bal589 added on March 25, 2017 | Answered

My Loropetalum landscaping shrubs are dying. My landscaper said it is from using well water versus public city reuse water. Is it true that Loropetalum shrub will die using well water?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 27, 2017

The better choice for your garden depends on the quality of both the well water and the public reuse water. In many parts of Florida, the water supply (both well water and/or reuse water) may be quite salty, which could harm plants. If you contact your local extension service, they will probably be able to tell you more about your area's water quality.

Here is more information about using reuse water on gardens:

Loropetalum shrubs also don't do well in alkaline soil (high pH), which could be affected by the water supply.

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