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Crabapple Trees

Q.Using Neem oil on freshly planted trees

Zone Rockledge, FL, Zone 9 | dkamarinos added on December 21, 2016 | Answered

I recently just planted last Thursday two bare root trees, both a crabapple and a kwanzan cherry tree. I live in Zone 9, east coast of Florida, and the weather hasn’t really dipped down lower than upper 50s for a low yet, and on some days are getting into mid 80s for a high. I am concerned that these trees, since they are young and freshly transplanted, may be especially vulnerable to fungus and other threats before they have a chance to acclimate. Would it be safe to mildly spray the trunks with neem oil?

I have had great success treating my rose fungus issues with neem oil. It has made a significant impact on reducing the amount of black spot, among other types of fungus. The roses are now healthier than ever, appearing more green with consistent full foliage.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 23, 2016

I would avoid using anything on the newly planted trees unless you they are displaying sign of disease or pests.
If your tree needs treatment, we agree that Neem Oil is a great organic method to use.
Here are some links with more information.


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