Q.Using Goat Manure
We live at the beach and therefore have sand. I am going to make raised rows of potting and gardening soil, covered in black plastic to keep the soil moist since it is so dry here and to keep weeds out. Should I start by mixing the goat droppings in with the soil first when preparing the soil and shaping it into mounds, then put the plastic on, and put holes in the plastic to plant the seeds? I am doing this with my 5-year-old daughter and want to keep it simple. I will be getting the goat droppings from my sister to mix in the soil before we do all that. Obviously we are amateurs! Any simple advice for us would be so appreciated. We plan on making stakes for cherry tomato vines and peas and also want to do peppers and squash.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Here are a few articles that will help start the garden:
As for using the goat manure, that sounds great and will help the soil considerably. You may want to compost it before you spread it to reduce the smell, but other than the smell, you can use it directly.