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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Use of cottonseed meal

Zone not sure but Southern California | Anonymous added on November 2, 2019 | Answered

I bought some cottonseed meal to put around my crepe myrtle and Japanese Maple trees to make the soil more acidic. (recommended by a guy at the nursery) Both areas tested around 7.2 on my meter. I see it’s also a fertilizer. I live in So. Calif. Should I apply this on the soil now to drop the PH even though it’s just the first of November? I was thinking that quicker the better as far as bringing down the PH. Or should I wait until Spring to do this? Thanks for your help.

Dale Miller
Temple City, Calif

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 4, 2019

Now is fine. The winter rains will help to assimilate the amendments in preparation for the spring growing season.
Yes, cottonseed meal also contains a slow release form of nitrogen and other nutrients, but is not a complete fertilizer in itself.
Compost will also help to lower pH on a long term basis.
Soil sulfur, an important plant nutrient, along with the organic amendments, will get faster results.

Another way to go is to use a more complete fertilizer for acid-loving plants.


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