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Avocado Trees

Q.**UPDATED W/PHOTO** Sprouted Avocado Seed Put Outside In Sun And Leaves Drooped

Zone 91739 | wanderlinghs added on November 4, 2020 | Answered

I potted an avocado tree sprouted from a seed. It is about 12″ tall with four leaves at the top. I put it on my porch for the 1st time today, so it can have sun, and the leaves all drooped. I live in California and it was in direct sun so it may have been too much sun. I brought it back inside and after 24 hours the leaves still have not perked up. Is is dead? Can I prune the top four leaves just about another sprouting leaf or did it get sunburned and will not revive? Thank you – PICTURE ATTACHED

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 5, 2020

Its fine. It is just stressed.

Follow the instructions that I have included on the original question for preventing and treating shock and hardening off trees, and the tree will recover just fine.

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Answered on November 6, 2020

Thank you. The leaves now look like they may just fall off and if they do, should I then prune it off to the tiny leaf below? Also, I WILL definitely slowly acclimate it to the outside once/if it recovers from the stress. Thank you again for taking the time to answer my question(s).

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