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Dracaena Plants

Q.Unusual root

Anonymous added on August 9, 2015 | Answered

My Dragon plant (with red striped leaves) has pushed itself up almost out of the pot! I took it out and found two large roots, each as thick as my little finger, one on the side, the other, (the cause of the problem) is like a leg with a foot on the end of it. The original got too big for the house so I cut it down and had three plants from it, neither the original plant (about 8 years old) nor the cuttings had any of this kind of growth on the root. I have repotted it, but want to put it back into its original pot in the house (it’s on the patio at present). What should I do? Are these roots essential for the health of the plant?

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Answered on August 12, 2015
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