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Azalea Plants

Q.Unusual “June Bug” Problem… Need help!

Zone McDonough, GA | SouthernTrouble added on April 23, 2014 | Answered

My home is in Georgia, just south of Atlanta. Living ‘out in the sticks’, I’m used to wildlife and insects that aren’t an issue for those closer to the city. However, my current issue lies with these psycho-beetles! I don’t currently have a garden planted, but I do have Azaleas, roses, and decorative shrubs.

This year, however, the June Bugs seem to be here in large numbers much earlier than normal. I hoped with no garden they wouldn’t be much if an issue. I was wrong. Tonight I went outside (I don’t smoke in my house) and as I was standing there, it began to sound like things were being thrown at the house, over and over. I finally realized it was these crazy beetles flying into the house.

Later on, my youngest daughter came running out if her room scared to death because it sounded like someone was trying to break her window. Again, I go out to check and these beetles are going nuts!

With the fact that we do have a lot if wildlife, I’m trying to avoid pesticides, but their numbers are too great for conventional ‘green’ methods. Anyone have any suggestions? We already keep outdoor lights off, encourage wildlife with feeders and certain plants, but it’s not helping. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for any help!


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 23, 2014

Oh Lordy, I hate junebugs too. One got into the house when I was 8 or 10 years old, and bumped into me. I don't remember if it actually tangled in my hair, or if I was just afraid it would, but ever since a large flying bug at night sends me running for cover. The good news is that the junebug season only lasts a few weeks. There are some things you can do to limit their visits in the future - read on: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/june-bug-beetles.htm

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