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Obedient Plant

Q.Unknown weed growing in garden

Anonymous added on June 1, 2015 | Answered

I have this weed growing since last year in my vegetable patch. At first I thought it was a White Dead nettle but no flowers have come and the leaves are longer. It is starting to grow everywhere. It is joined by roots a little like the way mint develops but the stems are squared and hairy as well as the leaves. Would you have an idea what it is?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 2, 2015

I actually think it is a plant called obedient plant. It blooms in late summer, so would not bud for a bit. It spreads by runners and, despite its name, can be pretty invasive - so some people consider it a weed. It is called obedient plant due to the notched nature of its stem. It allows you to push it in a direction and it will stay mostly leaning in that direction. Let me know if you think this may be it.

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