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Q.Unhappy Aloe Vera

Zone Cork | TigyWigs added on October 24, 2018 | Answered

My aloe plant is looking a tad unhappy and I’m not sure why. It is somewhat discoloured and I’m fairly sure it’s lost the tip of one it’s leaves. I don’t water it very often (maybe once a month) but it doesn’t get a whole lot of direct sunlight, especially now because we’re heading into winter in Ireland. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It lives indoors with two cactuses in the same pot.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 29, 2018

This would be one of many of the Haworthia species which are commonly mis-named an aloe. These tropicals can tolerate dry conditions such as cacti, but they will not be completely happy with these conditions.

These will grow much better in an orchid, or very light cactus mix, well watered but never allowed to sit in it, and very bright, but indirect sunlight. They will clump like aloe, but will be much more rigid. These do not have the same medicinal properties as aloe either.

With all of this said... You can keep it alive in that container. Just expect very slow growth. You will also want to treat the fungal infection starting in that spot on the leaf.

This will be easiest treated with peroxide. The next time that you water, replace 1/4 of that with peroxide. You only need to do this once. You will also want to cut off any leaves with this damage.

With bright, indirect sun, and a little more water around that one (and I do mean just a little), it will soon take on a healthier appearance.

This article will give you more information zebra haworthia, which looks a little different, but has the same care. The only difference will be the Margin and striping pattern: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/cacti-succulents/haworthia-cacti-succulents/haworthia-zebra-cactus.htm

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