Q.Umbrella plant
I bought my umbrella plant around 3 years ago at less than one foot tall. It is now well over five foot and still sprouting new branches and leaves, however some of the bottom leaves are dropping. Is this normal, especially this time of year (February ) or is something wrong. The rest is looking very healthy
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is completely normal. It is to be expected that there will be some leaf drop at some point during the year. I see no reason for concern.
I assume that your plant is a type of Schefflera. However, there are two commonly used Scheffleras that are used. It would be helpful if you could post a photo of yours so we know what you are referring to.
A certain limited amount of lower leaf loss is normal. If you have had yours for three years and it has not been pruned, then that may be contributing to some of the leaf loss. Again, a photo that shows the entire plant would be helpful in assessing its need for pruning.