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Bell Pepper Plants

Q.ulcers on my peppers

Anonymous added on June 26, 2015 | Answered

I am growing green, red and yellow bell peppers in pots on my deck for the first time. They are in full sun and I water them almost every day. The fruit that is most exposed to sun seems to be getting “ulcers” on the portion of the fruit that is in the most direct sun. The fruit is still delicious but that portion seems to be burning right down to the inside of the fruit and has to be cut out. Any suggestions? I am a newbie at this but am getting some really nice fruit from the green and red plants. (the yellows aren’t mature yet even though all plants went in on the same day!) Thanks so much.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 27, 2015

The spots on the peppers may be sunscald, which is like a sunburn for plants. While they should recover on their own, providing them with some shade will help correct this problem. For instance, you may want to set up a sun shade over the pepper plants to help prevent sunscald, especially if it's been really hot lately. We recommend shading the pepper plant with a translucent cloth cover.

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