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Cucumber Plants

Q.type of insecticide in veg gdn? Insecticidal soap for cucs? And dahlias?

Zone 10590 | Anonymous added on July 4, 2019 | Answered

I want to stay organic in the veggie garden. The dahlias are being eaten a lot!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 5, 2019

Spraying should be preventive in nature or early intervention, not waiting for advanced infestations and infections. I monitor daily to recognize an early infection or infestation and use a general purpose 70% neem oil (repellent) and pyrethrins (contact, knock down) tank mix and spray every two weeks. Insecticidal soap is good for an active pest infestation, but has more issues of concern for applicator safety (eye burn damage) and foliar burn of some sensitive plants.

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