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Zoysia Grass

Q.Type of Fertilizer Best for Zoysia Grass

Shane added on May 8, 2011 | Answered

Best fertilizer for zoysia grass in southeast.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 9, 2011

For best results, soil testing is recommended before fertilizing. A soil test will indicate major nutrient deficiencies and the pH of the soil. Slightly acidic soil (6.0-6.5) is best. Lime should be applied only if the pH is less than 6.0.

For routine maintenance where soil tests indicate no major deficiencies, use a lawn fertilizer with approximate nitrogen (N): phosphorus (P): potassium (K) ratio of 3:1:1 or 4:1:1 or 4:1:2. For example, a 16-4-8 fertilizer has a 4:1:2 NPK ratio.

Where soil test indicates low phosphorus or potassium levels or where basic fertility levels are not known, use a fertilizer with a ratio that more closely approximates 1:1:1 or 2:1:1.

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