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Oak Trees

Q.Two young oaks (2 years old) growing close to each other (three inch space between trunks at ground level.

Zone 93312 | howardgmack added on April 19, 2019 | Answered

Two oaks grown from acorns are now about 10-12 feet tall. The two trees are about three inches from each other. Can I leave them like that, or is it better to remove one?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 19, 2019

If you leave them, the 2 may eventually meld together but this produces are very weak trunk that is prone to splitting. Look up "included bark hazard" if you are interested in more information. Also, the two are competing for the same nutrients and water and neither will grow as expected. It is clearly advantageous to remove one of the saplings now.

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