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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Two problems with a pepper plant

Zone West Yorkshire (UK) | Jeffk added on August 28, 2016 | Answered

I’m not a very experienced gardener and am learning as I go, so any help or advice would be welcome. I recently bought a “Patio Pepper Mohawk” from a local garden centre. It’s by a large south facing window in a warm house (avg temp is around 22 deg C). It was slightly pot bound, so I repotted it in general use compost and have made sure it’s kept moist. Unfortunately, it’s not doing well.

It does have peppers, but they have some odd marks on them. The marks look like scar tissue, but I assume they’re actually something else. I’ve attached a photo so you can see for yourselves. Also, some of the leaves look a bit ‘anemic.’ See the second photo, though they actually look paler in the flesh.

I’m guessing it’s a nutrient issue, though I don’t know what. At a friend’s suggestion, I’ve added organic chicken feces pellets to enrich the soil, but it’s too soon to tell if it’ll help.

Any suggestions would be very welcome.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 28, 2016

The title is meant to read 'two problems with a pepper plant'.... Proper is a typo

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