Q.Two cacti drooping and dead spots on Elkhorn cactus
I have two issues. I have Two cacti that have gotten too tall and drooping. I attempted to prop them up, but it didn’t work. Do I need to propagate sections in larger pot? Second problem, I have an Elkhorn Cactus that is approx. 40 years old. There are some dead ends at top of different sections. Should I cut dead portion off and apply hormone rooting powder? Certainly don’t want to lose this beauty. Going to attempt to send pictures.
Stephen R Stanfield

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The crawling cactus, actually, has a very fitting name. The Creeping Devil Cactus. This is how they grow naturally, and there will be no need to take any action on that.
Those spots on your other cactus won't do much harm. As long as they don't spread, and remain the same, then it will be ok to leave it like it is. You may do more damage cutting it than leaving it.
If you choose to cut it off, I would not apply rooting hormone. You wouldn't want to propagate that piece anyway. If you must cut it off, then apply peroxide to the open wound to avoid further infection.
This article will help you with the care of cacti and succulents: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/cacti-succulents/scgen/cacti-succulents-inside-your-home.htm

The pot that the Elkhorn cactus is in is 9"h x 8"deep. Shouldn't it be repotted in larger pot? It is very top-heavy.