Q.Turning Poinsettias Red
I have a printout on how to regrow poinsettias and turn them red. I thought I was doing everything right. As of the middle of September, I have been putting them under a large box and taking them out in the morning. . . about 14-15 hours. Only thing is, I’ve been looking online to see when they should be turning red and am now reading that I should have been putting them under the box early in the day. I’ve been putting them under about 7 pm each night and taking them out about 9:30-10 a. m. each morning. I’ve got it backwards. About mid-October I noticed 2 little tiny leaves with just a touch of red on them and thought “Oh no! It’s too early!” Still keeping them under the box. Is there anything I can do at this point to still have them turn red in time for Christmas or did my mistake of putting them under too late in the evening ruin that? Thanks for any help you can give me!! Mary Hogan
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I think that as long as you provide the shortened "days" the plants will continue their red leaves. It will require more work to keep them in this state, but that will keep them red until Christmas.